Tuesday 21 July 2020



Everyone dispatched to planet earth is here on an assignment.

Assignment is what gives credence to our purpose.

Purpose facilitates the release of potential.

Potential would always sponsor accomplishments.

But to run effectively with assignment, focus is a non negotiable ingredient.

Focus is like a magnet.

What you are focused on, you soon attract or pull to yourself.

Jesus Himself at one time rebuked those who attempted to break His focus and obsession for completing the will of the father.

Mark 8:33

New King James Version

33 But when He had turned around and looked at His disciples, He rebuked Peter, saying, “Get behind Me, Satan! For you are not [a]mindful of the things of God, but the things of men.”

When you give your attention, time, and total effort to achieving your assignment, you will experience extraordinary currents of favor and miracles.

As we have seen, whatever has the ability to keep your attention, has mastered you.

for instance, the Apostle Paul was obsessed with his Assignment. This explains his remarkable success in the face of enemies, adversaries, and even his friends who misunderstood him.

It also explains his letter to the Philippians:

Philippians 3:13-14

New King James Version

13 Brethren, I do not count myself to have [a]apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead,

14 I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

Paul moved away from past hurts, failures and memories.

Obviously, he had a photograph of those things before him, and he understood the following five keys that would enable you develop an obsession for your assignment: LISTEN AND BE BLESSED

Sunday 19 July 2020


This is welcoming you to our special Sunday service broadcast made available by the Elohim Christian Center for Creative Youth International aka Palace of Creativity - a faith based ministry committed to raising a new breed of youths, leaders and entrepreneurs'.

I was spurred in my spirit and I was moved to share some light as it relates to combating the plague of Corona virus that is ravaging the earth today.

This noisome pestilence has suddenly crippled economic, academic, and all other activities of mankind within four months...

One thing that came with this plague is the spirit of fear. It provides False Evidences Appearing Real.

The target of Corona virus is the reversal of creation protocol.

The bible records that in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth, and the earth was without form, void and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And God said, let there be light.

If you can see, the earth was in chaos, and there was economic devastation, all because of Ignorance.

Chaos is what robbed the earth of form.

Economic devastation is a picture of emptiness or voidness

Ignorance is a description of darkness.

But when God would step in, He went after darkness or ignorance.

To catch a good picture of what we mean by darkness, lets consider Isaiah 60:1

Isaiah 60:1-3

1 Arise, shine;

For your light has come!

And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.

2 For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth,

And deep darkness the people;

But the Lord will arise over you,

And His glory will be seen upon you.

3 The Gentiles shall come to your light,

And kings to the brightness of your rising.

What fear does is that it brings gross or deep darkness on people.

All other plagues before the Corona Virus brought darkness on the earth, but Corona virus brought with it fear to cast gross or deep darkness on mankind.

The goal of fear is to disconnect man from God. This is why God does not approve fear in the life of man.

2 Timothy 1:7

New King James Version

7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

Fear is proof of the lack of

Power - inability

Love  - selfishness

soundness of mind - lack of intelligence

Corona virus suddenly made the people of the earth incable - unproductive, then came self-centeredness with the advent of physical and social distancing and face masking. All these led mankind to making very unintelligent decisions.

All these a products of Fear which we saw in Adam and Eve after the fall. Before the fall, Adam was operating super intelligence. He named all the creations of God, and whatever he called them, that was the name that was in the mind of God.

But after the fall, Adam lost his sound mind. He lost his intelligence. Rather than use skin to make cloths, he used fig leaves.

Today Corona Virus and its agents are spreading the spirit of fear. Since it is Gross darkness, it is after the spirit and soul of mankind. It is after the Spiritual and educational institutions. It is after the Educational  and the Religious institutions.

With the mask, they are trying to stop kingdom citizens from emitting the breath of God upon the face of the earth.

The cure to corona virus is in the breath of the sons and daughters of God.

The breath of God carries life that terminates all forms of death transmitting virus.

As we pray, we emit the breath of God that gives life

As we gather to worship, we emit the breath of God that transmits life

All these are the target of the devil......

John 6:63

New King James Version

63 It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life

Philemon 14

King James Version

14 But without thy mind would I do nothing; that thy benefit should not be as it were of necessity, but willingly.

1 Corinthians 2:16

16 For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? but we have the mind of Christ.

It is time to open up the churches and the schools so that power and wisdom can once again gain entry into planet earth.

The breath of God is the key to destroying the strongholds of corona virus.

Don't take that which you have not been given.

I have you have been wordspired. Listen and be blessed! It it blesses you, share with your friends and family.

Kay Daniels

Tuesday 7 July 2020

PRAYERS FOR BRAND NEW THINGS 8th of July 2020 Kay Daniel

New things are often products of new beginning.

Jeremiah 30:18

King James Version

18 Thus saith the Lord; Behold, I will bring again the captivity of Jacob's tents, and have mercy on his dwelling places; and the city shall be built upon her own heap, and the palace shall remain after the manner thereof.

New beginnings bud around us and within us every day. This means, we have the capacity to create new beginnings in our life.

Our attitude towards a set back would always define our altitude in the season of our come back.

With a spirit, we can successfully go through what we might be going through.

Isaiah 43:2

King James Version

2 When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.

God is in the business of giving us brand new things.

Saturday 20 June 2020


Today, we shall be trying to understand what it means to have purpose.

A wise man once said that, when purpose is not known, abuse is inevitable.

He also said, those who cannot see the ultimate become victims of the immediate.

Until purpose is discovered, existence has no meaning, for purpose is the the source of fulfillment.

Tuesday 16 June 2020


One of the key skills one must develop in his or her quest for impact is that of public speaking.

I see public speaking as an art that helps us project whatever it is that we carry.

Your self mastery is projected with public speaking.

Your expression is your extension.

If you are loaded, you would be needed.

And one way to express what you are loaded with is through public speaking.

When you perfect the art of public speaking, it can serve as an income generator.

Saturday 13 June 2020


Understanding what is a soul is the primary key to effective soul winning. Soul winning is not an activity, it is the life style of the kingdom. The key principle of soul winning is reconciliation. It is getting the soul that strayed away from God back to him. It is re-establishing heaven's influence on earth. It is the spirit of the soul of man receiving appropriate mentoring from the Spirit of God. It is man getting committed to reconnecting the souls of men back to the control systems of God. Soul winning begins with a heart that has come under the leadership of God. It is giving authorization to God to reconnect with the souls of men.  The only thing that gives God pleasure is reconciliation with the soul of man. When Adam and Eve ate the fruit, they suddenly developed fear for the presence of God. They shivered and trembled at the presence of God. This broke God's heart. He felt bad that He had lost koinonia, intimacy or fellowship with mankind. So, your commitment to soul winning is your commitment to bringing joy to the face of God. Learn to make friends genuinely and love people with the love of Christ and soul winning would be second nature to you. Join me at 11am as we explore this life transforming asset available in the kingdom.

Watch and Be Blessed.

Join us daily on Facebook Live and Youtube Live daily from 6:45am - 7:30am and on Sundays 11am (West African time)

For feedback kindly send an email to creativelynigerian2019@gmail.com or visit elohimcccyi.blogspot.com

Thursday 11 June 2020


God created the spirit and formed the body, but the soul is a resultant effect of the created and the formed.

This is why God has absolute control over the spirit and the body, but not over the soul. This is because the soul has life in itself. It is a free moral agent.

Little wonder, God and Jesus made these remarkable statements that has kept me thinking for many years....


Watch and Be Blessed.

Join us daily on Facebook Live and Youtube Live daily from 6:45am - 7:30am and on Sundays 11am (West African time)

For feedback kindly send an email to creativelynigerian2019@gmail.com or visit elohimcccyi.blogspot.com