Sunday, 11 August 2019

Elohim Christian Center for Creative Youth International® By-Laws

Elohim Christian Center for Creative
Youth International®

August 11, 2019

Article I. Name
The name of the organization will be the Elohim Christian Center for Creative Youth International.

Article II. Purpose

Raising outstanding “new breed” leaders and entrepreneurs that instruct, mentor, lead with selflessness and integrity, embracing personal improvement, corporate enhancement, spiritual growth, and national development. Taking the great commission of the kingdom of God to new dimensions.

Article III. Mission

Influencing the destiny of young people in schools, churches, corporate institutions and government through leadership and entrepreneurial training, personal development and Networking fused together by a common purpose.  Vision and commitment to revelation inspired kingdom principles and values.

Creating a platform that facilitates the grooming and preparing of young people for leadership, relationship, and entrepreneurial Excellence. To develop human capacities in schools, ministries, organizations, and in individuals having a crave for kingdom relevance.

Article IV. Mission Strategy

Spreading the Love of Jesus through training, seminars, workshops, and other developmental platforms available. Joining forces with ministries, corporate bodies, and like-minded individuals all around Africa and the Diaspora to cause a huge developmental impact through mind empowerment. Advancing the gospel of Jesus Christ in the market place.

Article V. Membership

Section 1 Membership – Any person who is a full or part time youth minister, a volunteer or church teacher with youth, or has interest in youth ministry in ECCCYI who is willing to serve in any given capacity will be considered a member of the Elohim Christian Center for Creative Youth International.

Section 2 Membership Responsibilities and Privileges – All active members will be expected to help further the purpose of the Elohim Christian Center for Creative Youth International’s by encouraging peer ministers to join the network; by offering whatever gifts, experiences and expertise they possess for use in training opportunities provided by the network; and by being willing to mentor those in the network who are coming behind toward excellence in youth ministry. Further, members are expected to participate in the Elohim Christian Center for Creative Youth International’s activities as time and finances allow. Finally, members are expected to submit current contact information on an annual basis, or when a member moves to a new position.

Article IV. Officers

The Executive Board of the Elohim Christian Center for Creative Youth International shall govern all affairs of the Network.

Section 1: Executive Board

1:1Executive Board Officers- The Executive Board shall consist of the following officers: President, Vice President, Executive Secretary, Membership Coordinator, Resource Coordinator, Technology Coordinator, Community Coordinator, Leadership & Training Coordinator, Entrepreneurship & Skill Acquisition Coordinator and Treasurer. Ex-Officio Officers shall include the Communications Assistant and other Ex-Officio Officers as invited by the Executive Board.

1:2- At-Large Board Members- The Executive Board will also contain three At-Large Board Members, to be appointed by the officers. These At-Large Members will be voting members of the Executive Board and shall serve two-year terms. At-Large Members are eligible for consecutive terms at the discretion of the officers.
Section 2: Term – The term of office for Vice President shall be three years each, with the Executive Secretary. The term of office for the Coordinators shall be two years.
Section 3: Qualifications – Any Elohim Christian Center for Creative Youth International member in good standing is eligible to be elected as officer.

Section 4: Duties

4:1 – Executive Board – The Executive Board will be responsible to develop the Elohim Christian Center for Creative Youth International’s annual budget, establish and oversee any needed committees to conduct the work of the Elohim Christian Center for Creative Youth International, and to set the general priorities, activity, and events of the Elohim Christian Center for Creative Youth International.

4:2 – Individual officers

President – The President shall set the agenda for and preside at general meetings and give leadership to the Executive Board, coordinate national event planning and shall serve as the official representative of the Elohim Christian Center for Creative Youth International.

Vice President – The Vice President shall assist the President in coordination of national events, and shall act as the organization’s secretary at all general meetings and Executive Board meetings and shall present the minutes to the board within two weeks of any said meeting. The Vice President shall appoint a recorder at any board meeting where the Vice President is unable to be present. The Vice President shall keep the history of the Elohim Christian Center for Creative Youth International. The Vice President shall act, with full authority, as the President at any meeting where the President cannot attend.

Executive Secretary – The Executive Secretary shall maintain executive’s agenda and assist in planning appointments, board meetings, conferences etc. He or she shall attend meetings and keep minutes. He or she shall receive and screen phone calls and redirect them when appropriate. He or she shall handle and prioritize all outgoing or incoming correspondence (e-mail, letters, packages etc.), and make travel arrangements for executives, as well as handle confidential documents ensuring they remain secure. He or she shall prepare invoices or financial statements and provide assistance in bookkeeping. He or she shall monitor office supplies and negotiate terms with suppliers to ensure the most cost-effective orders. He or she shall maintain electronic and paper records ensuring information is organized and easily accessible, as well as conduct research and prepare presentations or reports as assigned.

Membership Coordinator – The Membership Coordinator shall actively recruit membership and membership renewal of individuals and congregations. The Membership Coordinator shall also oversee the development of a certification process.

Resource Coordinator– The Resource Coordinator shall oversee the guidelines for and manage ministry partnerships. The Resource Coordinator shall communicate at least quarterly to bring appropriate information back to the Executive Board concerning existing networks and potential for ECCCYI-affiliated youth ministry networks. This database should be made available to the membership of ECCCYI on the ECCCYI website. The Resource Coordinator shall develop and maintain a network of Youth Ministry coaching mentors to aid in the professional development of members.

The Resource Coordinator shall oversee the continued development of the organization’s Resource Bank in conjunction with the Communications Assistant and Technology Coordinator.

The Resource Coordinator will serve as the organization’s representative to the Executive Board and may appoint another representative. The organization will provide a travel stipend for the Coordinating Council representative, should it be needed.

Technology Coordinator– The Technology Coordinator shall manage all communication platforms for the organization, with the help and oversight of the President and the Communications Assistant. This communication shall include, but not be limited to: maintaining a website, managing several social media platforms, and distributing a monthly eNewsletter. In addition, the Resources and Communications Coordinator.

Community Coordinator – The Community Coordinator shall oversee programs and initiatives that advocate for the organization’s members and for the general importance of youth ministry within ECCCYI life. The Community Coordinator shall oversee the creation of a support network to care for the organization’s members as appropriate and to offer pastoral care when needed.

Treasurer- The Treasurer shall serve as the steward of the network’s finances, collecting dues, arranging for payment of authorized expenses, reporting financial information on a quarterly basis to the Executive Board, and prepare an annual financial report for the organization’s general meeting.

Communications Assistant- The Communications Assistant will be a part-time, paid position with hours and payment to be negotiated each year with the President, upon approval of the Executive Board. The Technology Coordinator will supervise this position. The Communications Assistant shall gather information and prepare a monthly newsletter, manage and post regularly on multiple social media platforms and work with the Technology Coordinator to develop new communication strategies for the network.

Leadership & Training Coordinator – The Leadership & Training Coordinator would organize and coordinate all leadership training activities of the ministry.

Entrepreneurship & Skill Acquisition Coordinator - Entrepreneurship & Skill Acquisition Coordinator all entrepreneurial and skill acquisition training activities of the ministry.

Section 5: Board Meetings – The Executive Board will meet at least twice a year, one physical meeting and one virtual meeting. The President has the authority to call other meetings as needed.
Section 6: Removal – An officer can be removed from office for failure to fulfill his/her duties, after reasonable notice, by a majority vote of the Executive Board.
Section 7: Vacancy – If a vacancy occurs on the Executive Board, the President shall appoint an Elohim Christian Center for Creative Youth International member to fill the vacancy for the remainder of that officer’s term.

Article V. Meetings

The Executive Board will conduct much of the business of the Network, however, at one of the Network’s open and general meetings on an annual basis, the President shall call the Elohim Christian Center for Creative Youth International into business session for the purpose of voting on key matters pertaining to the Network. Any Network member in good standing and present at the meeting will have a vote.

Article VI. Finances

Section 1: The Fiscal Year – The fiscal year of the Elohim Christian Center for Creative Youth International will be January 1- December 31st.
Section 2: Banking – All funds shall be kept in an account, or subaccount of the Elohim Christian Center for Creative Youth International, at the discretion of the Executive Board. Checks can be signed by the Membership Coordinator serving as Treasurer, or to a delegate chosen by the President. On a quarterly basis, the President will review all finances, including all expenses paid.

Section 3: Financial Management- ECCCYI and Passport, Inc., agree to contract with Passport, Inc., to allow Passport, Inc. to gather, manage and account for ECCCYI funds. Passport, Inc. shall only disburse checks by direction of the ECCCYI Treasurer. Information will be supplied quarterly to the Treasurer from Passport, Inc. in order for a quarterly report to be developed and submitted by the Treasurer.

Article VII. Relationship to the ECCCYI

The Elohim Christian Center for Creative Youth International shall be an independent organization and shall work to achieve and maintain active status as a Strategic Partner to other like-minded organizations.

Article VIII. Dissolution

In the event of the dissolution of the Elohim Christian Center for Creative Youth International, all assets shall be transferred to the ECCCYI offices in Lagos, Nigeria to be used for the furthering of Youth Ministry.

Article IX. Amendments to the By-Laws

An amendment to these by-laws shall be approved at any meeting of the Elohim Christian Center for Creative Youth International Executive Board by a majority vote. Following approval, notice of changes shall be communicated to the Network members at least 30 days prior to ratification by vote of the larger body.

The Interim Membership and By-Laws Task Force of the Inaugural Steering Committee of the Elohim Christian Center for Creative Youth International respectfully submit these bylaws for approval on January 1, 2020.

They are hereby approved on August 12, 2019.

Amendments to these By-Laws were approved on August 12, 2019.

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