Monday 9 September 2019


We need strong leaders in Africa, but most especially in Nigeria, who have the courage to grapple with perplexing issues and seemingly overwhelming problems, as well as the ability to discover and implement workable solutions.

More than anything else, what we require today are competent, effective, visionary, and creative leaders on all works of life.

A lack of strong leadership has invariably made a ship wreck of our world. Every country on our planet is challenged by an absence of resolute leadership as it struggles under precarious times.

Politically, economically, technologically and socially, our nations are experiencing turmoils and moral decay - characterized by juvenile deliquesces, crime, religious conflicts, economic uncertainty, the unequal distribution of resources, political corruption, civil unrest, the disintegration of families, cyber-crimes, abject poverty, diseases, famine, sexual abuse, greed, racial clashes, ethnic "cleansing", global terrorism, and war.

Unfortunately, the leaders who have so far emerged up until today seem to believe that the primary qualities needed to address our troubled, demanding times are the following: great vision; academic and intellectual superiority; dynamic oratory and other communications skills that have the power to persuade; management expertise; and the ability to control others.

However, time and again, history has shown that the most important quality a true leader should and must possess is the moral force of a noble and stable character.

Have a wordspired Tuesday. Stay blessed.

Kay Daniels

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