Friday 22 May 2020


We are all wired for connection.

Eyes require something to see.

Ears require sound.

Hands require objects to handle

Legs require places to go

Our minds require thoughts

When people are alone, they become vulnerable. This is why God said, it is not good for man to be alone. Genesis 2:18

There is therefore no doubt that God loves marriage. Marriage or having a mate is sowing ground where we sow our patience, love, and enthusiasm, and watch it multiply in those around us who celebrate our presence.

However, God will never give us a gift that will replace his presence. That is why a mate is not designed to produce our joy. It is only the presence of God that produces Joy. "In thy presence is fullness of joy, " Psalm 16:11 Since it produces fullness, it needs nothing else to be added to it.

But how do I recognize the mate God has approved for me?

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